Friday, November 13, 2009

Shoop Da Woop

Millions of people use the internet everyday. Many check their e-mails, facebook, myspaces and twitters while others feign intelligence by reading the New York Times, and CNN.

The true internet however is known by those brave enough to visit the underbelly known as 4chan. From this cesspool of a message-board has risen great internet fads like LOLcats, O'Really and of course the notorious Shoop Da Woop.

One Whoop enthusiast named Dom Fera has taken the Shoop to the next level by creating "The Lazer Collection". A flash movie animated, written, and voiced by him with music of his own composition. The end result is a true internet gem of epic proportions that has warranted two sequels that instantly raked in millions of hits on youtube.

Collection 3 after the jump

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