Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lenny Kravitz on the DL?

Today, seems to be a particularly gay day for me filled with news that just seems to good to be true. On a website where people confess their secrets or activities they keep on the "downlow" a Bahamian offical made a post about Kravitz coming into his office in which you register/process personnel yachts with two very effeminate boys!

Republicans for Hate?

In the days leading up to the passing of the federal hate crime bill by the senate their was a national hoopla within the conservative pit. Republicans around the country questioned why GLBT individuals would need added protections in what I believe will become an embarrassment that will be yet another scar on American history.

A young man was beaten to death in 1998. With dirty blond hair, a bright smile, and an even brighter future, the University of Wyoming student had the whole world ahead of him. Though his life was cut short, the image of a young man so bloodied and disfigured that he was mistaken for a scarecrow by a passing bicyclist has been burned into the minds of millions of Americans. As a result of his death, the Matthew Shepard Bill has taken his name. It expands federal hate crime legislation to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered individuals, as well as those with disabilities.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Shoop Da Woop

Millions of people use the internet everyday. Many check their e-mails, facebook, myspaces and twitters while others feign intelligence by reading the New York Times, and CNN.

The true internet however is known by those brave enough to visit the underbelly known as 4chan. From this cesspool of a message-board has risen great internet fads like LOLcats, O'Really and of course the notorious Shoop Da Woop.

One Whoop enthusiast named Dom Fera has taken the Shoop to the next level by creating "The Lazer Collection". A flash movie animated, written, and voiced by him with music of his own composition. The end result is a true internet gem of epic proportions that has warranted two sequels that instantly raked in millions of hits on youtube.

Collection 3 after the jump

Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Direction

Binary Shade was originally supposed to be a outlet for me to conduct essentially video game/pop culture journalism. Those non-existent readers holding their breath waiting for more content related to this theme can now suffocate cause I've decided I'll just write about whatever happens to cross my mind or inspire me from now on.

Blogging after all is not a job unless someones underpaying you to do it. Then your officially allowed to spit on someones keyboard out of angst. The internet isn't exactly a cup of coffee or a delicious lugi sandwich after all.

SWAT needed at base of 40,000 trained soldiers!!!!

The Fort hood "Tragedy" has shocked Americans who can't believe that soldiers trained to kill humans in a myriad of ways and then placed under extreme mental stress that alter their psyches permanently can occasionally snap and go on a killing sprees. Apparently we haven't learned from the Howard Unruh's of the past or the Vietnam war.

However whats a far more interesting issue is why SWAT needs to be sent into a base of 40,000 trained killers to take down one man. This is either a joke, a silly precaution or the multi-million dollar Homeland Security budget went towards satellites armed with lasers that can scratch the Presidents ass within a .5 mm margin of error

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Underground NYC Scene hidden in plain sight

Photo By Angelo Ferrer

During the day, on the cleanly paved and cemented streets of the financial district—so oddly devoid of trash, doggie remains, and even cockroaches—you see the men and women of Wall street, with their six figure salaries and business suits. As trains, cabs, and ferries get filled to capacity by these rush hour commuters, a change takes place; cleaning crews and tipsy Staten Island girls begin to shuffle in for their evening affairs. Another group also makes its way in; slowly but surely, attracted by the pristine marble decor of the office buildings and the authentic grime of the Brooklyn Banks and Chinatown skate parks, the inline skaters emerge.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saints Row 2 DLC 3 Announced

THQ has announced DLC 3 for their open world game Saints Row 2 to be released this Tuesday October 6th. Jokingly referencing that even the citizens of stillwater have also been hit by these hard economic times (which is surprising for a city that looks so pristine all the time). This new pack which includes a myriad of new clothing, jewelry, and tattoos will be brought to the public absolutely free.

So for the record, doo-dads in Saints Row 2 for free? Sure. Left 4 Dead Expansion for free? nuh-uh for anyone keeping track of Microsoft's money beats all philosophy.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Review: Gran Turismo PSP - PSP owners rejoice or "weep?"

When asked to justify their purchase, psp owners would often be at a loss for words attempting to reason why their pocket PS2 had a upper-hand against its exceedingly popular though technically inferior DS competitor. Well they will have this problem no longer as they can simply point their hands at a giant billboard advertising Gran Turismo for psp and nod their heads in satisfaction with the belief that their $170-$250 portable was worth every cent.